Send To:
Lloyds Video
Attn: Ken Lloyd
465 Sun Lake Cir, Apt 313
Lake Mary, Florida
Please print this form from your browser and complete all details in full.
We require  ONE FORM  per master Tape.
Return Postal Address:
Zip / Post Code:
Contact Number: Home: Work:
Project Title: CD Quantity Required:




Service Required: CD to Tape   Tape To CD Ensure Master is enclosed.
CD Labels Required: Yes / No If yes Fill out Graphic Below
Jewel Case Covers Required: Yes / No If yes Fill out Graphic Below
Start Time of Video Segment: :Hr           :Min        :Sec From Start of Tape
Finish Time of Video Segment: :Hr           :Min        :Sec -
Total Time of Video Segment: :Hr           :Min        :Sec -
Extra Discs:                                  X $20.00 per unit                        Total: $
Number of Labels:                        X $1.00 per unit                         Total: $
Number of Covers:                       X $1.00 per unit                         Total: $
Cost of Video to be Encoded:                           minutes X 1.00  per/min: $
                                                                                               Grand Total: $
Method of payment: Money Order       Credit Card              Cash 

Please make all checks / money orders payable to Ken Lloyd.

For all credit card purchases, please use www.PayPal.com to submit.


Compact Disc Label Requirements.

Please give us a short description of artwork or text required - especially colors or fonts.
Use the diagram below to help you explain.  4 lines of text maximum per CD Label


CD5.gif (4758 bytes)



Jewel Case Cover / Tray Insert Requirements.

Please give us a short description of any artwork or text  required - especially fonts and colors.

cover1.gif (1332 bytes)

cover2.gif (1129 bytes)

email: Lloydsvideo@cfl.rr.com